"What are you thinking..." The middle-aged man was about to say something profound, but then he realized that if this got out of hand, it would be very detrimental to him. In the end, he could only swallow his anger and say: "Do I need your money Go get your payment from finance and scram.",Soon, Wu Chen finished his financial settlement and packed up his belongings before leaving the company. Looking at the bustling crowds on the street, he suddenly didn't know where to go. Two years after graduation, he had nothing to show for it. Now, even his job was gone. You have to remember that in a city like Shenzhen, you need money to open your eyes; you wouldn't even dare to add meat to your instant noodles without paying.,"It truly is a game of its time," Wu Chen sighed, "Too bad this game isn't played on computers; you have to buy a gaming helmet to play."。