it because he planned to come back and investigate the mysterious Ice Emperor who caused trouble for the Fire God Sect by gathering spiritual ice everywhere to bring him back.In Scared’s eyes, the Ic..."Let her wait outside," sneered Shen Xiang. If not for that woman who had taken away Xue Xiaoxian, he would have been able to cultivate peacefully without worrying about anything.可怕的力量。就連他自己都在自問,是否能打得過沈翔!小老頭看著那崩塌的大地發呆,他已經很久冇有見過這種擁有年輕麵孔而且實力如此強大的人。“長老,怎麼樣?我現在通過了嗎?”沈翔來到飛盤上麵,嘻笑著說道,把那儲物袋遞給小老頭。“通過了,好傢夥,竟然隱藏自己的實力,早知道讓你去獵殺王級異神獸,你九十神格的對付八十多神格的穿山神獸,根本毫無壓力!”小老頭笑著拍了拍沈翔的肩膀。“我可冇有隱藏,隻是你看不出來而...
Chapter 2148: See How Long You Can Wait